Our Blog

Living the Dream: A Love Letter from an Irvine Orthodontist
As we celebrate our third anniversary here at Simply Orthodontics, I can’t help but think back to the time when having my own practice was just a dream – and quite an overwhelming one at that! Words like ‘financial suicide’, ‘too hard’ and ‘too risky’ were coming at...

The Tooth Fairy Is Back!
Here at Simply Orthodontics, we love the month of February. Not only do we get to celebrate Valentine’s Day (who doesn’t like a little extra love) and give away a romantic dinner for two… but it’s also National Children’s Dental Health Month. Dental...

Irvine Orthodontist Patient Feature: Tiffany Mink
One thing I love about being an orthodontist is that I get to meet a lot of interesting people of all ages and from all walks of life. I love hearing the stories of bright-eyed 10-year-olds as much as I enjoy those of my adult patients (Yes, big people get their teeth...

You Don’t Need Metal Mouth Anymore to Have Straight Teeth
We live in an age of endless options. Whether you’re shopping for a new car, cell phone, or even cereal, you never have to settle for just one choice. The same goes with straightening your teeth. Braces are not the only option anymore to have a beautiful...

Spreading Cheer and Smiles
Tis the season to be jolly - and here at Simply Orthodontics we’re feeling particularly festive. We’re always looking for creative ways we can give back to our community, and are grateful for an opportunity we had recently to spread some joy by giving away four real...

Custom Nike Sneakers Promotion for Invisalign Teen Patients
Since more and more of our new teenage aged patients are interested in Invisalign Teen treatment, we decided to encourage them with our new promotion. For a limited time, new Invisalign Teen patients can earn their own custom NIKEiD shoes. One of the...

Two Years Gone in a Flash
I am writing this one day after our 2nd annual anniversary Ice Cream Social and just thinking about how fast the last two years have gone by. Starting Simply Orthodontics in Irvine from scratch, as most of you know, was one of the most difficult things I had to...

Is That the Real Tooth Fairy?
February is National Children's Dental Health Month. To celebrate, Simply Orthodontics in Irvine and the Tooth Fairy visited a few neighboring Irvine schools to teach students about why it is important to take care of their teeth starting at a young...

Your Treatment Coordinator Isn’t Passionate About Teeth
“Min! I’m upset with you. You owe me $5,000.” That stopped me in my tracks. A mom was yelling at me at the reception desk in front of a crowded room and I was taken aback. But then she continued: “I could have had Jaxon’s braces done in a different...

What to Expect at Your First Visit-Irvine Orthodontics Office
Congrats! You’ve scheduled a complimentary consultation with us and you’ve started your journey to a better smile! We are so excited to meet you! Please allow about an hour for your consultation. This will ensure that we have plenty of time to get to know each...

Why can't I get a quote over the phone!?
We get this question a lot. I understand people want to shop around and just get prices, but your smile is not a car or insurance where you can just get a quote. Every orthodontist in Irvine does not think and do things the same way, or diagnose the same,...

Yes! Your Orthodontist is Color Blind!
I haven’t blogged in awhile, so I figured I would write about something non-orthodontics related. You guessed it...my color blindness! Why am I blogging about this you ask? Obviously, when my patients are telling me the colors to put on their braces I have...