The iTero Element scanner is one of the newest pieces of technology in the orthodontic world and I FINALLY own one. You all might be wondering, “Why didn’t Dr. Shung get this before and bring it to IRVINE?!” The top orthodontist in Irvine should have it! Well, let me answer that question for all of you that have been getting molds on your teeth in our office.
Scanners have been around for awhile, but my focus has always been on the patients…you guys! If I am going to change something, it better benefit you all! I didn’t feel that the older scanners would benefit my patients. Scans took a LONG time and the scanner heads were HUGE and uncomfortable. I tried many and researched many, but some had powder you had to put on teeth (who knows what’s in the powder), some took pictures, some took 40 minutes to scan…. It just wasn’t worth the patient’s time when a mold can be taken in 10-15 minutes with negligible differences in accuracy.
Then the iTero Element came along and definitely shifted the paradigm. Scans take 5-10 minutes and the scanner head is much smaller and more comfortable. The investment was steep, but I finally found something that I felt would benefit my patients and took the plunge. We’ve had it in our office for about a week now and it is a total game changer!
What it is:
An intraoral (in mouth) scanner is a medical device used to scan your teeth in real time. It takes 6,000 photos per second so we can get an accurate picture of all your teeth and your bite.
What it does:
In a nutshell, instead of having to put goop in your mouth to get a mold of your teeth it takes a series of pictures. Using these 3D pictures and scans, we can make orthodontic appliances such as retainers and expanders from it. What’s probably most exciting is the ability to do Invisalign aligners from the scans. Invisalign impressions used to take an hour and we would have to mail out the impressions. Now, we can do a scan in five to ten minutes and immediately send them off to Invisalign labs to generate aligners.
We will also be able to show you a before and after computer simulation at your initial consultation. Truly amazing!

Ways it benefits you:
- No more messy impressions that can make you gag
- Faster turn around times for Invisalign aligners and orthodontic appliances (expanders, bite plates, retainers)
- Fewer appointments
- Faster and more comfortable appointments
- Virtual outcome simulator (instantly see your crooked teeth straight)

Come visit Simply Orthodontics to get braces or Invisalign from a Premier Preferred Provider in Irvine and Orange County! It’s SIMPLE!